Back in early November I wrote (Politicians - A Special kind of Stupid?), about the virus, that it was a new and unwelcome respiratory illness acting in the way that respiratory illnesses do in tending to unleash its greatest damage on the old and medically vulnerable, particularly during the winter season so congratulations to all politicians in suppressing the spread of the illness over the summer and into the winter..... followed by......they know that they have got it wrong. The politicians will continue with the undemocratic imposition of restrictions into the Spring and then, with seasonality playing its part in reducing these numbers, they will announce the measures to have been a success, thus justifying all that has gone before.
As a lockdown sceptic, I have to now accept that we sceptics have lost the argument. The great majority of the UK population has been won over by a government propaganda machine convincing us that a) they are following the science and b) the trampling of our rights and freedoms is a price worth paying for our safety. Whilst I still firmly believe that they are wrong on both counts I am in a small minority, defeated, ridiculed and even worse accused of irresponsibly exercising (what was previously my right to) free speech. So it might seem unlikely that I should be cautiously optimistic as to the likelihood of our getting back to a semblance of normality in the relatively near future. But I am. And that means getting back to Spain sooner rather than later, being able to travel freely throughout that wonderful country as El Real Thing in pursuit of our original objectives being the discovery of real Spain, real beer in Spain and real football in Spain. Blimey, I'm warming up just thinking about it. Reasons to be cheerful?
Reasons to be Cheerful - Part 1. I am a born optimist. Simple as. The glass is always half full etc. Blind optimism is a healthier option than clinical pessimism. A bit like the saying about smiling using fewer muscles than frowning so it's good for you (probably untrue but it's a nice sentiment). Being optimistic helps you get through life and lockdowns and Sheffield Wednesday so it's a good start.
Reasons to be Cheerful - Part 2. Whilst the prime minister Boris Johnson is also famously (infamously?) known for his optimism, the mood music coming out of government is now very much geared towards a stepped return to normality from Spring onwards. Boris' optimism aside, having now had us under metaphoric lock and key for ten months, why would the whole of government now be pushing this line if they weren't confident that such pronouncements won't prove to be the proverbial rod? Well, obviously the vaccine rollout is now underway but, as I railed back in November (see above), the onset of Spring etc etc. Of course they're bloody confident. And worse, the slimy buggers will hail their actions as having been successful and the majority of the UK population will believe them. But at least the restrictions will be loosened and rather than harking back on all that has gone before we will be too busy getting out there and making up for lost time. Which will suit the policiticians.
Reasons to be Cheerful- Part 3. Pandemics don't last for ever and the fantasy policy objective of "zero-Covid" is now acknowledged as being just that. Fantasy. Covid-19 is now endemic which means that we have to learn to live with it but the arrival of the various supplier vaccines should make a positive difference, at the very least encouraging those less optimistic than me that there is good reason to believe that we can soon begin the resumption of normal social activity, hug a few friends and family members and even enjoy the occasional peck on the cheek. I'm not one for wishing my life away but oh to revisit such pleasantries again.
If I am right and my optimism proves not to be misplaced, then perhaps we can indeed now start tentatively planning for the "great summer" that health secretary Matt Hancock has told us we're all going to have. If I am wrong, then at least the hope will carry me through the next few weeks until it becomes clear that I'm wrong. That, you see, is one of the benefits of being an optimist.
And finally if I was Xi Jinping, the Chinese president, then I would be supremely optimistic about the future. The new EU-China Investment deal will drive his country's further manufacturing and production growth, ensuring that even more EU member countries find their high streets filling up with Chinese Bazar shops - as is already the case in Spain - selling cheap junk into local markets impoverished by lockdown policies promoted by China to counter a virus promoted by.....errr.... China. Hmmm.
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