Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Searching for the Meaning of Football - What's the Craic?

Nick in solitude at Solitude.

Episode 3 of Nick Thomson's new football podcast Around the World in 90 Minutes is out today, searching for the true meaning of football and off to Northern Ireland to visit the oldest football club on the island of Ireland, Cliftonville Football & Athletic Club. Based in north Belfast, a city still scarred by "the troubles", the club has a fan base which bridges historic divides and epitomises the quiet progress made over the last twenty six years since the Good Friday Agreement. 

You don't normally go to a football match for solitude. But you can go to Solitude for a football match. How and why does that make any sense? Well, Solitude just happens to be the name of Cliftonville's stadium and that's where Nick took in Cliftonville v Glenavon in the Northern Ireland Football League (NIFL) Premiership earlier this season, taking the opportunity to speak to fans about what their football club means to them.

Nick not in solitude this time, but rather
with local guide Donzo who brilliantly
gave a concise history of "the troubles".

So, how did the club bridge the historic divide? What's it like to watch football in Northern Ireland? What is the meaning of football? And who on earth is Donzo? For answers to these and other questions tune in to the podcast via the links below and find out.



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