What The Pho Travel Podcast

This blog is about Spain, a country rich in history, tradition and with an intoxicating passion for life. But for those whose travel ambitions extend even further to the wider world, particularly the have-backpack-will-travel younger generation then, to badly paraphrase Derek (Del Boy) Trotter, "the world is indeed your lobster". 

What The Pho is a travel podcast for backpackers produced by Nick and Amy Thomson who are clocking up more countries visited than I have candles on my birthday cake (it's a lot!). Most recently they have returned to the UK following a 14-month stint on the road where their adventures took them to Greece, Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Turkey, Portugal, Brazil, Argentina, Equador and the Galapagos Islands to name just a few. In addition to the travel podcast, through their own business ANT Podcast Management, they provide podcast management services ranging from simple editing assistance up to podcast creation, hosting set-up and scheduling. Nick and Amy are family so we are of course biased but if you or any of your family are attracted to exploring this big old world of ours with just a backpack for company, then you/they could do a lot worse than visiting their website for advice and hints at What The Pho Travel Podcast

And if you fancy your own podcast!

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